Study with me - Tableau Server Certification

Belated happy 2023.

I've been wanting to teach the official Server courses for a while now, but haven't had the time to prep for it. This year, an opportunity came up, so I'm going for it.

To teach the official Tableau Server courses, one must be Tableau Server Certified.

I don't have this certification yet. I also do mostly Tableau Desktop work, so there's a lot I need to study and review.

I am planning to document my studying journey. By this I mean:

  • create short videos of topics covered in the exam

  • create study notes/cheat sheets

  • possibly have live study sessions (just so studying isn't so lonely)

So if you're wanting to learn more about Tableau Server, or if you're also preparing for the Server Certification - I hope this next series will be helpful.

Sign up if you're interested in getting notified when new study resources are out.

Donabel (sqlbelle)

Hi! I’m Donabel, and I am a data geek. I love working with and teaching Tableau and SQL.

I am a Tableau Ambassador and a Tableau Accredited Trainer, as well as a former (multi-year) Microsoft SQL Server / Data Platform MVP.

Interested in learning Tableau? I can help you. Learn with me! Subcribe to my YouTube channel.


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