What the "Tableau Ambassador" means to me

I’ve loved working with Tableau the moment I started to learn it. And I kept learning and wanted to use it more.

I found ways to keep on using it

It was heartbreaking, just because it felt like an unrequited first love.

I’ll be honest. The nomination happened a few times before (and I am very thankful for those who nominated me). I was hopeful and poured my heart into the application. But those few times were also heartbreaking. Not because the people who got selected didn’t deserve it — because they absolutely do. So many create wonderful amazing content. And so many more give that support and encouragement. So many give much, much more than I do.

It was heartbreaking, just because it felt like an unrequited first love. And all you can do is accept it, move on, and love from a distance.

This year is a bit different. The nomination came in. I didn’t want to put any more thought into it. I cherish the thought that someone out there put my name in, but also prepared myself to not have any expectations.

But I think the unexpected happened. I got selected as part of the 2022 Tableau Ambassador cohort.

I wasn’t sure what to feel at first. I was happy, I was thrilled, but at the same time, feeling the same pangs of pain I felt when I didn’t get in those few times. I thought of others who put their hearts into the Tableau community, who put their hearts int the application, but possibly didn’t get in.

This post is an ode to the #datafam community. From where I stand, being in this community is in itself a reward. Sometimes we get titles, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes we get recognized (more widely), sometimes we don’t.

But title or no title — there are so many amazing individuals who share more than just Tableau. They share life lessons, encouragement, inspiration, courage. They share hopes and dreams. I sound mushy, but I treasure all of these.

For that, thank you. Thank you and congratulations to all who are in this cohort. But also thank you to everyone else — title or otherwise — who make the #datafam community the amazing community that it is.

Originally posted on Medium

Donabel (sqlbelle)

Hi! I’m Donabel, and I am a data geek. I love working with and teaching Tableau and SQL.

I am a Tableau Ambassador and a Tableau Accredited Trainer, as well as a former (multi-year) Microsoft SQL Server / Data Platform MVP.

Interested in learning Tableau? I can help you. Learn with me! Subcribe to my YouTube channel.


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